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Welcome to our Terms and Conditions

'You'  are the person making the booking for yourself, or on behalf of another

'Artspirit' is the Hive Booking Manager

'The Qbn Hive' is the venue 

1. Grant of licence 
  • In consideration of You paying the hire fee to Artspirit, Artspirit grants You the right to occupy The Qbn Hive on the date and time set out in the Booking agreement.

  • The rights granted to You are in the nature of a licence only and nothing in these details grants You any tenancy or the right to exclusive possession or occupation of The Qbn Hive. 


2. Fees 
  • You must pay the hire fee in full prior to the Date for payment and in default, Artspirit may cancel the booking and allocate The Qbn Hive space/s to another person.

  • Where Artspirit provides other services to You in association with the hire, You will be invoiced by Artspirit for such services separately and must pay such invoice within 7 days of receipt of it. 

3. Indemnity 

You must indemnify Artspirit for any injury, loss or damage arising out of the use of The Qbn Hive and the conduct of You, your employees, agents and invitees (including damage to The Qbn Hive or its facilities) except where such injury, loss or damage arises by reason of an act or omission of Artspirit, its employees or agents. 


4. Your covenants 

You must:

  • not carry on any activity at The Qbn Hive which is dangerous, noxious, offensive, illegal, noisy or objectionable; 

  • not allow The Qbn Hive to be used for any purpose other than that for which it is designed; 

  • vacate the The Qbn Hive at the conclusion of the hire time as set out in this agreement; 

  • not bring into The Qbn Hive any heavy equipment or machinery without the prior written consent of Artspirit; 

  • remove from The Qbn Hive all equipment brought by You into The Qbn Hive and make good any damage to the The Qbn Hive caused by the removal; 

  • be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of all employees, agents and invitees of You; and 

  • comply with any general venue use information (not inconsistent with this agreement) provided by Artspirit to You.

5. Liability of Artspirit
  • Artspirit must not be liable to You or Your employees, agents or invitees for any loss of life, personal injury or damage to or loss of property which may be suffered or incurred arising out of the use of The Qbn Hive by You or the conduct of the function for which The Qbn Hive is hired, unless caused by the negligent act or omission of Artspirit.

  • In no event must Artspirit be liable for loss of profit or consequential damages, whether based on breach of contract, warranty or otherwise. 

6. Provision of services

Artspirit is responsible for providing all catering, security and cleaning services required in connection with the hire of The Qbn Hive and You must not provide any such services without the prior written consent of Artspirit.

7. Termination 

Artspirit may terminate this agreement immediately upon giving notice to You if:

  • You breaches any material provision of this agreement; 

  • You substantially alter the purpose for which The Qbn Hive is hired for without the prior written consent of Artspirit; or 

  • Artspirit becomes aware of conditions under which the holding of the function for which The Qbn Hive is hired could jeopardize public safety or order or involve an unacceptable risk of personal injury or damage to the property. 

8. Force majeure 

Performance of this agreement is contingent upon the ability of Artspirit to complete the same and Artspirit will not be liable to You for any failure to provide The Qbn Hive or any of the services mentioned in this agreement due to causes which are beyond the reasonable control of Artspirit. 


9. Warranty 

Artspirit gives no warranty that The Qbn Hive will be suitable for the purpose for which The Qbn Hive is intended to be hired by You and Artspirit will not be liable to You for any loss suffered by Artspirit as a consequence of The Qbn Hive proving not to be adequate for the Your purposes. 

10. Law 

This agreement must be governed by the laws of the State in which The Qbn Hive is located and the Commonwealth of Australia and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of that State and the Commonwealth respectively. 

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